We do not keep cookies or a data base on any one visiting this web site. We do not post e-mails, faxes and letters that are sent to us without permission and consent of sender.
he article and photos from the International Film Festival are copyrighted – permission for use on this web site by Chris Allen. The article and photos on the Short Film Festival are copyrighted – permission to use on this web site by Ross Bigley. The articles and photos from the Pink Banana Theatre, Insurgent Theatre, R.S.V.P Productions, Catey Ott Dance Collective, Noise Fest. Dirty Job Films, are copyrighted – authorized for this web site. The “Harry Potter” photo is copyrighted – authorized for use on this web site. The articles from Peter Fraser, Chair, Dept. of English, WLC are authorized for use on this web site. The articles and photos of the Times Cinema are copyright protected – authorized for use on this web page by Larry Widen. The two 1927 interior photos of the Astor Theater are authorized for use by the Astor Theater by the Theatre Historical Society of America and may not be used with out their permission. The photo and article by Michael Jahns is authorized for use by the Astor Theater only. The article and photos by Ross Bigley are copyright protected – authorized for use on this web site. The article and photo of Michael Jahns is copyrighted – can not be used with out his consent. The article and photo of Katherine Smith is copyrighted – can not be used with out her consent.
The photos that we own going back to 1892 may not be used without permission. We have donated rare material as appropriate to a university library, a college library, and a number of museums. Any request that might be deemed commercial would not be allowed.
The Astor Theater website and website design is copyrighted and may not be reproduced without our consent.

©2009 ASPAC
The Astor Theater logo is the property of the Astor Street Performing Arts Center (ASPAC) protected by copyright.
Comments on Use
We have actively worked to document our sources and have managed to avoid using commercial photos from major studios. The articles herein are posted to show another view of film and its related history. The photos from small groups of dance, theatre and musical arts are presented in an attempt to illicit support for them. The articles and photos on entertainment and theaters are meant to educate and inform people as to why preservation is necessary. Certainly the few remaining old movie theaters deserve our thoughtful attention and continued support.
If we have overlooked giving proper credit to anyone or there is a question on the appropriate use of any material, please contact us by sending an e-mail to us: Astor Theater.